October 20 -22, 2005
Killington Grand Resort Hotel and Conference Center
Killington, VT
State Contacts
Connecticut Katie Augustyn KPAugustyn at aol.com
Maine Ann Cutten ann_cutten at hotmail.com
Massachusetts Jennifer Fay jfay at quincy.k12.ma.us
New Hampshire Barbara DeVore nhaged at yahoo.com
Rhode Island Carolyn Rosenthal chaslyn45 at aol.com
Vermont Carol Story cmsphd at pshift.com
Sponsored by:
Vermont Council for Gifted Education
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont National Education Association
Vermont Parent Teacher Organization
Connecticut Association for the Gifted
Connecticut State Department of Education
Maine Department of Education
Maine Educators of the Gifted and Talented
Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education
Massachusetts Department of Education
New Hampshire Association for Gifted Education
New Hampshire Department of Education
Rhode Island Advocates for Gifted Education
Rhode Island Department of Education
Rhode Island State Advisory Committee for G/T Education